Higher CfE Course Documents
Here are the latest versions of the CfE documents for the Higher Mathematics course :
H Maths - Course Specification (May 2018, Version 2.0) |
Higher Exam Paper Information
H Maths Specimen QP 1 (May 2018) |
H Maths Specimen QP 2 (May 2018) |
Higher Lessons
M. Patel
National 5 to Higher Bridging Lessons
Completing the Square |
Degrees, Radians and Exact Values |
Algebraic and Trigonometric Skills Lessons
Exponentials and Logarithms Lessons
Polynomials Lessons
Graphs of Functions Lessons
Functions Lessons
Trigonometric Phenomena Lessons
Trigonometric Equations Lessons
Geometric Skills Lessons
Vectors Lessons
Calculus Skills Lessons
Differential Calculus Lessons
Applying Differential Calculus Lessons
Integral Calculus Lessons
Applying Integral Calculus Lessons
Algebraic and Geometric Skills Lessons
Straight Lines Lessons
Circles Lessons
Sequences Lessons
Expressions and Functions Lessons
Exponentials and Logarithms Lessons
001 - Exponentials and Logarithms (Basics) and Logarithmic Rules |
002 - Solving Logarithmic Equations |
003 - Solving Exponential Inequations |
004 - Using Exponential and Logarithmic Equations in Context |
005 - Experimental Data and Logarithmic Equations |
Graphs of Functions Lessons
001 - Functional Transformations - Translations |
002 - Functional Transformations - Scalings |
003 - Functional Transformations - Combinations |
004 - Quadratic Graphs |
005 - Exponential Graphs |
006 - Logarithmic Graphs |
007 - Trigonometric Graphs |
008 - Graph of the Derivative |
Functions Lessons
001 - Functions - Domains and Ranges |
002 - Functions - Composition |
003 - Functions - Inverses |
Trigonometric Phenomena Lessons
001 - Degrees, Radians and Exact Values |
002 - Addition Formulae |
003 - Double Angle Formulae |
004 - Trigonometric Identities |
005 - Wave Functions |
Vectors Lessons
001 - Magnitude, Equality, Basic Operations, Unit Vectors |
002 - Position Vectors and Coordinates |
003 - Collinearity and Dividing a Line in a Ratio |
004 - Vector Paths |
005 - The Scalar Product, Perpendicularity and Angles |
006 - Properties of the Scalar Product |
Relationships and Calculus Lessons
Polynomials Lessons
001 - Evaluating Polynomials and Nested Form |
002 - Remainder Theorem and Synthetic Division |
003 - Factor Theorem |
004 - Polynomial Roots |
005 - Sketching Polynomials |
006 - Polynomial Functions from Graphs |
Differentiating Functions Lessons
001 - Differentiating Powers of a Variable and Basic Rules for Differentiation |
002 - Derivatives of More Complicated Expressions |
003 - Gradients of Tangent Lines |
004 - Equations of Tangent Lines |
005 - Derivatives of Sin x and Cos x |
006 - The Chain Rule |
007 - Increasing and Decreasing Functions |
008 - Stationary Points |
009 - Graph Sketching |
Integral Calculus Lessons
001 - Integrals of Powers of x |
002- Integrals of More Complicated Expressions |
003 - Integrals of Powers of Linear Expressions |
004 - Integrals of Sine and Cosine |
005 - Solving Differential Equations |
006 - Definite Integrals |
Solving Trigonometric Equations Lessons
001 - Solving Linear Trigonometric Equations |
002 - Solving Linear Trigonometric Equations with Wave Functions |
003 - Solving Simple Quadratic Trigonometric Equations |
004 - Solving Quadratic Trinomial Trigonometric Equations |
005 - Solving Quadratic Trigonometric Equations Using Trigonometric Identities |
006 - Solving Other Trigonometric Equations Using Trigonometric Identities |
Applications Lessons
Straight Lines Lessons
001 - Investigating Gradients |
002 - Parallel and Perpendicular Lines |
003 - Collinearity |
004 - Medians, Perpendicular Bisectors and Altitudes |
Applications of Calculus Lessons
001 - Maximum and Minimum Values on a Closed Interval |
002 - Optimisation |
003 - Rates of Change |
004 - Area Under a Curve |
005 - Areas Between Curves |
Circles Lessons
001 - Equations of Circles |
002 - Circles and Lines |
003 - Intersections of Circles |
Recurrence Relations Lessons
001 - Investigating Recurrence Relations |
002 - Limits of Recurrence Relations |
Higher Notes
Airdrie A
H Maths Notes 2016/17 |
H Notes - Circles |
H Notes - Differentiation |
H Notes - Exponentials and LogarithmS |
H Notes - Functions and Graphs |
H Notes - Integration |
H Notes - Polynomials and Quadratics |
H Notes - SequenceS |
H Notes - Straight Lines |
H Notes - Trigonometry |
H Notes - Vectors |
Perth Academy
H Key Points - Straight Lines |
H Key Points - Sets and Functions |
H Key Points - Graphs of Functions |
H Key Points - Trigonometric Graphs and Equations |
H Key Points - Differentiation |
H Key Points - Recurrence Relations |
H Key Points - Polynomials |
H Key Points - Quadratics |
H Key Points - Integration |
H Key Points - Addition Formulae |
H Key Points - Circles |
H Key Points - Vectors |
H Key Points - Further Calculus |
H Key Points - Exponentials and Logarithms |
H Key Points - Wave Functions |